Directorate of Public Finance Management

To promote socio-economic development and the welfare of all citizens of The Gambia with effective and efficient public finance management, through greater transparency, accountability, fiscal discipline and good governance.

  • Design and offer directions and goals regarding coordination of implementation of public finance reform programs;
  • Stimulate dialogue and exchange on issues related to public finances, inside and outside the public sector;
  • Provide guidance for the work of the technical teams of various ministries and agencies on the basis of policies and measures adopted by the Government in relation to economic and financial matters;
  • Review and, if applicable, endorse the technical dossiers of public finance reform prepared by the relevant public Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs);
  • Disseminate public finance reform programs to all stakeholders including civil society and the public.
  • Actively monitor implementation of PFM reforms amongst stakeholders.
  • The maintenance of aggregate fiscal discipline is the first objective of PFM system: it should ensure that aggregate levels of tax collection and public spending are consistent with targets for fiscal deficit, and do not generate unsustainable level of public borrowing.
  • Secondly, a PFM system should ensure that operational efficiency is achieved, in the sense of achieving maximum value for money in the delivery of services.
  • Finally, the PFM system should follow due process and should do so, by being transparent, with information publicly accessible, and by applying democratic checks and balance to ensure accountability.

There is currently a PFM Strategy 2016-2020 formulated to provide the necessary policies and guideline in monitoring the use of public resources.

  • There have been various achievements most notably the introduction of the IFMIS accounting system for timely preparation and management of government accounts. The system has been piloted to almost all MDAs with plan to introduce it to government self-accounting projects.
  • The government in its quest to ensure there is efficient and transparent use of public funds in the procurement of goods and services, has established the Directorate of Procurement which is under the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs to properly manage and handle the procuring of goods with the ultimate aim of ensuring value for money.
  • The introduction of the VAT has also simplified the tax system, broaden the tax base and improve compliance among others.
  • In order to ensure high level of accountability and transparency, the government has put in place an Internal Audit Directorate to ensure there is proper internal control within MDAs. Internal Auditors has been pilot to some MDAs with plans to pilot to the rest of all.

Amie Kolleh Jeng

Director of Public Finance Management
