The Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs wishes to inform the general public that it has again
learned with serious concerns about the fake news circulating the Internet on a funding opportunity of
US$ 11 billion agreement with the AfDB and UNESCO to support SMEs. This is totally false and malicious,
and the Ministry does have anything to do with this post.
Regrettably, these kinds of fake news is becoming a growing trend and frequently making rounds on the
internet and the MoFEA wishes to make it clear that the Ministry has not entered into any such agreement
with the African Development Bank, nor did it enter into an agreement for funding SMEs with the
Given the increasing concerns of fake news on funding opportunities, the Ministry wishes to inform the
public to remain vigilant to such tendencies and report any such instances to the MOFEA and/or the
Police. Furthermore, the Public is advised to verify any future publications relating to funding
opportunities from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. The Ministry wants to warn
perpetrators to desist from these kind of behaviors.
The MoFEA wishes to inform the public that all statements on major milestones of such are done through
press briefing and publish on the MoFEA official website.