Directorate of Budget

Mustapha Samateh
Director of Budget
To promote better service delivery through effective and efficient public finance management, through greater transparency, accountability and fiscal discipline.
- Consolidation and presentation of the Annual Budget estimates and supplementary budget estimates to Cabinet and the National Assembly for approval.
- Provide guidance on sector budget preparation, implementation and monitoring of budgets.
- Allocate the Budget financial resources efficiently, effectively and rationally to Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in accordance to the Financial Regulations (2016) and Public Finance Act (2014).
- Coordinate the formulation and preparation of the national medium-term and annual Budget.
- Advising the Minister on matters of the entire budget process from preparation to execution and fiscal policy issues.
- Lead the development and implementation of designated Budget and financial management reforms
- As the command center of Government’s day-to-day financial operations, the objective of the Directorate of Budget is to foster strong economic development through effective management of public finances.
- This is facilitated through the preparation of the budget estimates, effective and efficient management and monitoring of resource allocation, utilization combined with the formulation of constructive and effective fiscal policy.
- The core mandate of the unit is to effectively and efficiently manage the national budget of the Government of The Gambia.
- Introduction of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (2015)
- Piloting of Programme Based Budgeting (PBB) to 8 ministries in 2015 and 2016 then rolled out to all MDAs as at 2017
- Production and publication of monthly budget performance reports.
- Public Finance Act (2014)- An act to provide for the control of public monies, the power and duties of the legislative and executive in the preparation, presentation, approval, execution and reporting of Government budget.
- Financial Regulations (2016)- in exercise of the powers conferred on the Minister by section 75 of the Public Finance Act, 2014.
- Budget Framework Paper (2018-2020)- acting as a policy instrument for the national budget, setting out how Government intends to achieve its policy objectives over the medium term through the budget.
- Aid Coordination Policy
- Aid Action Plan
- Aid Bulletin
- Donor mapping in The Gambia
- Production of project implementation briefs
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Mustapha Samateh
Director of Budget
To promote better service delivery through effective and efficient public finance management, through greater transparency, accountability and fiscal discipline.
- Consolidation and presentation of the Annual Budget estimates and supplementary budget estimates to Cabinet and the National Assembly for approval.
- Provide guidance on sector budget preparation, implementation and monitoring of budgets.
- Allocate the Budget financial resources efficiently, effectively and rationally to Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in accordance to the Financial Regulations (2016) and Public Finance Act (2014).
- Coordinate the formulation and preparation of the national medium-term and annual Budget.
- Advising the Minister on matters of the entire budget process from preparation to execution and fiscal policy issues.
- Lead the development and implementation of designated Budget and financial management reforms
- As the command center of Government's day-to-day financial operations, the objective of the Directorate of Budget is to foster strong economic development through effective management of public finances.
- This is facilitated through the preparation of the budget estimates, effective and efficient management and monitoring of resource allocation, utilization combined with the formulation of constructive and effective fiscal policy.
- The core mandate of the unit is to effectively and efficiently manage the national budget of the Government of The Gambia.
- Introduction of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (2015)
- Piloting of Programme Based Budgeting (PBB) to 8 ministries in 2015 and 2016 then rolled out to all MDAs as at 2017
- Production and publication of monthly budget performance reports.
- Public Finance Act (2014)- An act to provide for the control of public monies, the power and duties of the legislative and executive in the preparation, presentation, approval, execution and reporting of Government budget.
- Financial Regulations (2016)- in exercise of the powers conferred on the Minister by section 75 of the Public Finance Act, 2014.
- Budget Framework Paper (2018-2020)- acting as a policy instrument for the national budget, setting out how Government intends to achieve its policy objectives over the medium term through the budget.